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Waves Keeper Waves Platform

Waves Keeper

Keeper Wallet icon
Waves Keeper is your secure way to work with applications. It gives access to your wallet data like address and public key, but only if you want it, and never gives access to your private key or seed phrase. Applications always must request for your approvement.
Waves Keeper is available both as a browser extension and a mobile app: App Store, Google Play, Chrome webstore (works with Brave and Yandex browser), Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Edge add-ons.
You can view the source code for Waves Keeper on GitHub, or check it like any other extension.
Waves Keeper: App | Docs | GitHub | GitHub Kardanov

Browser extension

The Waves Keeper browser extension allows to manage private keys and interact securely and seamlessly with Waves-enabled web services and dApps.
Waves Keeper


Waves Keeper is an extension that allows you to interact with Waves-enabled web services securely from your browser.
Manage your private keys securely, use multiple accounts, and confirm transactions with a couple of clicks — right from your browser.
SEEDs and private keys are encrypted and stored within the extension and cannot be accessed by the dApps and services on the web, giving you peace of mind that your funds are always safe from hackers and malicious sites. Completing a transaction doesn’t require entering any sensitive information.
Waves Keeper is designed for convenience, so you can sign transactions with just a couple of clicks. Users can create multiple wallets and switch between them easily, and if you ever forget the password to the account you can recover it from your SEED, as normal.

Key Management

Manage your private keys securely from your browser extension
Waves Keeper for Firefox - Key management

Transaction confirmation

Confirm transactions with just a couple of clicks while interacting with Waves-enabled web services and dApps
Waves Keeper for Firefox - Transaction confirmation

Multi Account

Create and switch between multiple wallets easily and confirm transactions with just a couple of clicks
Waves Keeper for Firefox - Multi Account

Download Waves Keeper

Waves Keeper for Chrome

Download the browser extension from Chrome Web Store.
Waves Keeper in Chrome Web Store

Waves Keeper for Firefox

Download the browser extension for Firefox.
Waves Keeper for Firefox

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